At Birth

2 month after completion of casting treatment

At 1 year follow up
24*7 Paediatric orthopaedic cover.
Dedicated orthopaedic OT with spica table including paediatric attachments.
Regular paediatric surgeries being done including kids as small as 1 day.
Daily Morning and Evening OPDs by Fellowship trained Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon (Dr Gaurav Gupta).
Detailed assessment of all paediatric orthopaedic issues including Cerebral Palsy, Brachial Plexus Birth Palsy, Developmental dysplasia of hip, etc.
All major paediatric orthopaedic surgeries are done here.
Well equipped Level III NICU and PICU for post op care and seriously ill children.
24 hour paediatrician/neonatologist cover.
Team of paediatric super-specialists including paediatric orthopaedic surgeon, paediatric endocrinologist, paediatric surgeon, paediatric dentist, etc.
A fully functional dedicated paediatric rehabilitation area with well-trained paediatric physiotherapy team.
Bothbone Forearm Fracture
Bilateral Radial clubhand
Rt Femur fracture due to birth trauma
Supracondylar humerus fracture
Ilizarov fixator for Chronic Osteomyelitis of tibia with bone loss
Osteoid Osteoma of tibia
Unilateral idiopathic clubfoot
Bilateral Idiopathic clubfeet
Casting at early age can lead to complete correctionwith good long-term functional and cosmetic outcome.
At Birth
2 month after completion of casting treatment
At 1 year follow up
Cubitus Varus/Gun Stock deformity of arm is one of the most common complications of malunited supracondylar humerus fractures.
Pre Operative Clinical Image showing Rt cubitus varus
6 month Post Operative clinical image showing full correction
A thorough planning and well executed surgery can lead to good clinical and functional outcome.
Acute Osteomyelitis is commonly seen in growing bones of children.
Pre Operetive clinical image showing significant swelling and redness & MRI showing intraosseous, subperiosteal and subcuttaneous collection.
6 month follow up clinical image and X ray showing no leg length descripancy and healed wound.
An early diagnosis and treatment is the key to a good long term outcome without complications.
Pre Operative Clinical Image showing bilateral genu valgum
(left more than right)
6 months post operative image showing well corrected left lowerlimb. patient has to get operated for the right side.
Genu valgum is one of the most common complication of Nutritional Rickets.
It can persist in adolescents if nutritonal deficiency is not corrected in time.
A thorough planning and well executed surgery can lead to good clinical and functional outcome.
Supracondylar humerus fractures are one of the most common type of elbow fractures in children and they account for 10% of all paediatric fractures.
Pre operative AP view of Left elbow
Pre operative Lateral view of Left elbow
2 month Post Operative AP and Lateral view of Left elbow
Full extension of left elbow
Full flexion of left elbow
Displaced fractures need urgent reduction and fixation to attain good result.
Ap & Oblique X rays showing fracture and displacement at base of left little finger.
Post reduction images showing complete correction of the deformity.
6 month follow up images showing complete healing with no growth disturbance.
Total calcanectomy is a preferred option to amputation for the cases of non-healing neuropathic heel ulcers and must be given consideration.
Figure showing X ray and clinical image of Chronic osteomyelite left heal with non healing ulcer post meningomyelocoele.
6 month follow up images showing complete healing.
Patient Testimonials
View MoreNitin Gera
We don't know where to begin, but you are the most caring doctors that we have ever known.
We very fortunate that been reffered to you for my 4 year old son who was diagonesd with hip synovitis and you given us an appointment on your off day. We cannot forget that night when our little one was in tremondus pain and crying hard, at 12 midnight you were responding us for our querry and assured us for treatment in the current situation of covid 19, under your medical treatment and hospitalisation he responsed well and perfectly all right , otherwise we were lost which hospital to approch such late night, you are saviour for our family.Thank you for your wonderful care. You have been blessed with combination of professionalism and caring.
Abhishek Gandhi
I consulted Dr gaurav for my daughters clubfoot treatment, it was a case of relapse and tenotomy. Dr gaurav is the most humble Doctor i have ever come across, seemed to me a champion of padeatric ortho. He gave us the best possible option for our child’s treatment and did his best for my child.
I consulted Dr gaurav for a second opinion for my daughters treatment, today i am so glad that i did.
I really want to thank you Dr gaurav for the way you treated my daughter and your support throughout.
Mohit Baisla
Although it was a very first meeting with Dr. Gaurav Gupta, so it would be a bit hurry to say something. However, We had a very nice detailed & Informative conversation about our child. Treatment has just started today and expected to go for a long time. Will keep posted here as the time passes and we experience the more.
sneh mishra
I highly recommend doctor sahab and thank him for his valuable advice. I consulted him for my one month old baby having problem of club foot. he patiently listened to all my queries and has given his best advice , shared exercise videos ,has given ample of time and proper guidance. My baby is really doing good and giving better response.